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I'm gonna keep a close eye on your project. I love the idea of making huge maps out of previous 3D Sonic games!

It feels a bit unfinished and weird so far, but I like the idea.

Keep it up!

The most ambitious would be to make a Sonic Unleashed openworld-map. Haha.

I made a simple stream, testing the game, here:

Maybe there's a way to get rid of ring-portals and make the stages-connections more natural?

Hi there, thank you for playing. Indeed, this project is still a work in progress. Luckily, the feedback I've read so far has been very useful. 

Regarding the Ring Portals, I had implemented them as a compromise between having a single, seamless interconnected world and a letting the player travel to specific points more conveniently. The major issue I'm looking to resolve is how much they affect performance - I suspect it might just be a matter of reducing the render quality of a given portal.